The Project MKC Comfort Kit program makes sure that infants, children & teens entering the foster care system receive a hopeful start by giving them new care bags to replace items they were forced to leave behind, or never had to begin with.
Project MKC understands that most children are being removed from their homes in the worst of circumstances. Most likely the children do not have time to pack a bag of their belongings to take with them to their new home. Therefore, the Project MKC Comfort Kits help the children relax and focus on adapting without having to worry about their most basic needs and gives them a sense of worth and belonging.
What is included in a Comfort Kit?
Comfort Kits are black duffel bags filled with brand new, age and gender specific toys, books, stuffed animals, school supplies, food, clothing, personal toiletries, and a homemade warm fleece, no sew “security blanket” – all theirs to keep. There are 9 different age and gender categories in which the bags are divided including: 0-12 Months, 1-2 Years, 3-5 Years, 6-9 Boys, 6-9 Girls, 10-14 Boys, 10-14 Girls, 15-18 Boys, and 15-18 Girls.
Project MKC accepts donations (monetary or goods) for the Comfort Kit Program. Please contact the office at (330) 758-3434 if you would be interested in donating to this valuable program!